New Service Spotlight: We now offer Hormone Replacement Pellets!
We always have our ears open for more that we can do for you at Mint & Needle. Some of you have shared a wide array of discomforts that relate to hormone balance: weight gain, low energy, poor mood, decreased sex drive, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, and early signs of osteoporosis.
And because it is part of our mission to focus on the whole you — both inside and out — we’re now offering hormone pellets, starting January 1, 2024! Both men and women can experience decreases in those symptoms by engaging in a hormone rebalance through pellets. Learn more about what this amazing service can do for you:
What are hormone pellets?
Hormone pellets are tiny capsules, about the size of a grain of rice, that release a very low, consistent dose of a hormone for 3 to 6 months at a time.
The most commonly helpful pellets release progesterone, estrogen, or testosterone. When these hormones fluctuate, they can create uncomfortable or downright disruptive symptoms, like severely fluctuating mood or insomnia. Depending on the particular symptoms experienced and the patient’s assigned gender at birth, introducing pellets for one of these hormones can bring things back into balance.
What is it like to use a hormone pellet?
The procedure for inserting pellets is painless and quick: a small incision is made and the pellet is placed under the skin. To make sure the whole experience is completely pain-free, we can also inject a local anesthetic to the insertion area. It is common to start with the lowest dose pellet of what your body needs, following lab work before and 4 weeks after—as this treatment is individualized—to determine whether effects have begun.
Who would benefit from this service?
Hormone imbalance symptoms can happen to anyone at any age—men, women, teens, adults. But hormone pellets are often particularly useful to women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s and men in their 50s and 60s. Generally, as we age, estrogen and testosterone begin to drop in all people, causing a lot of those hormone imbalance symptoms.
That said, hormone imbalances definitely show up differently in each person. If any of the symptoms we mentioned before—changes in weight, energy, mood, sex drive, concentration, or sleep—sound familiar, book an appointment in which we can review your past medical history, symptoms, and get blood work to look into whether the culprit could be a hormone deficiency.
So there you have it: hormone pellets are here to save the day in both our Middletown, DE and Lewes, DE locations! We look forward to helping you feel you back to your rested, centered, best selves in the upcoming year.